Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Stopped Smoking using electronic cigarettes

I never thought I'd see the day--
I bought a carton of cigarette tubes the same day I bought
my 1st e-Cig, and I Still have tubes left!!
Less than 1 Carton of cigarettes in a month...I smoked more than
that in high school.
I had pretty much given up on the possibility of Ever being
Smoke Free.
I assumed that I would Die with a cigarette in my hand.
When electronic cigarettes 1st showed up at the local
smoke shops, I thought it was just some new kind of novelty.
As with the TV ads, it was for folks that just Had to smoke
at their local restaurant, or bar, or what-ever--never really thought
that they might be a means to Stop Smoking. I mean, after all,
they always seem to have the 'this is not a smoking cessation device'
disclaimer. And just How does that Vapor thing work? Where does it
come from and just what is in it?
Anyway, I guess all those questions were really just idle curiosity;
I had checked the prices at the local smoke shops, and had looked up
the eCigs that were advertised on TV; it seemed You had to either put
up close to $100 for a 'electronic cigarette starter kit' or You
could get the  'starter kit' for free; if You signed up for an
automatic, monthly shipment of supplies.  While I'm all into Free,
that recurring monthly bill put me off a bit--what if I didn't like them?
All this money out, just so I could 'Vape' in places that I couldn't smoke?
All that changed when I stumbled across  an  'eCig starter kit' at a
local gas station for only 20 bucks. At that price, I figured maybe I
could at least Cut Back a little; I mean at 3-5 packs a day, if I could
just knock out 1 pack a day, it had to be a good thing.
I never began to think that I might actually be able to Stop Smoking Cigarettes.
Stay tuned for my progress reports, I am so excited...I'm just days away from
being Entirely Smoke Free.
Check out my website for more info, and ecig supplies, eJuice and more.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

I Stopped Smoking...well almost

It has now been exactly 1 month since I bought my 1st
eCig; and I am Almost entirely Smoke Free.  I only smoked
2 cigarettes in the past 36 hours--Unbelievable...
I bought a carton of cigarette tubes the same day I bought
my 1st e-Cig, and I Still have tubes left!!
Less than 1 Carton of cigarettes in a month...I smoked more than
that in high school.
The last time I tried to quit smoking was almost 15 years
ago, with the usual Disastrous results.  I have some very
serious  anger issues,
which becomes completely un-controllable
when-ever I have tried to quit. Every thing makes me angry; &
with my deep baritone voice and intimidating  presence...well,
let's just say it's Never pretty.
I had pretty much given up on the possibility of Ever being
Smoke Free.
I assumed that I would Die with a cigarette in my hand.
When electronic cigarettes 1st showed up at the local
smoke shops, I thought it was just some new kind of novelty.
As with the TV ads, it was for folks that just Had to smoke
at their local restaurant, or bar, or what-ever--never really thought
that they might be a means to Stop Smoking. I mean, after all,
they always seem to have the 'this is not a smoking cessation device'
disclaimer. And just How does that Vapor thing work? Where does it
come from and just what is in it?
Anyway, I guess all those questions were really just idle curiosity;
I had checked the prices at the local smoke shops, and had looked up
the eCigs that were advertised on TV; it seemed You had to either put
up close to $100 for a 'electronic cigarette starter kit' or You
could get the  'starter kit' for free; if You signed up for an
automatic, monthly shipment of supplies.  While I'm all into Free,
that recurring monthly bill put me off a bit--what if I didn't like them?
All this money out, just so I could 'Vape' in places that I couldn't smoke?
All that changed when I stumbled across  an  'eCig starter kit' at a
local gas station for only 20 bucks. At that price, I figured maybe I
could at least Cut Back a little; I mean at 3-5 packs a day, if I could
just knock out 1 pack a day, it had to be a good thing.
I never began to think that I might actually be able to Stop Smoking Cigarettes.
Stay tuned for my progress reports, I am so excited...I'm just days away from
being Entirely Smoke Free.
Check out my website for more info, and ecig supplies, eJuice and more.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, August 8, 2011

Electronic Cigarettes

I like to smoke...I mean, I Really like to smoke...
I have been smoking cigarettes for about as long as I can remember,
As fas back as the 1st grade oin elementary school, I was getting in trouble
for smoking.
Even though I was diagnosed with emphysema, I never slowed down.
Oh, I tried to quit every now and then; as it was becoming quite apparent
that smoking cigarettes was affecting my health.
It was getting harder and harder to breathe, and it seemed as though I
was alway trying to catch my breath.
Of course, I had seen the ads for the new electronic cigarettes, or eCigs
as they are called, but I really wasn't too convinced they were worth my time.
I knew a couple of folks who were using, or had used an eCig, but whenever I asked
about them I always got some kind of a non-commital answer.
The cost was always the main reason I never thought of trying an eCig, though.
I mean, after all, I wasn't about to spend $79.00 or even $39.00 for something
that I had no idea it I would like.
Quite by accident, my Wife and I stumbled across a little 'electronic cigarette starter kit'
at a local gas station for only 20 bucks...so I decided to get one.
I was amazed. Within the first couple of hours, I could see that I could use
these things and Quit Smoking.
It has now been 3 weeks since my initial purchase
have cut my cigarette smoking down to less than
1/2 pack a day. IWow.
I smoked more than that in High School..
I can already tell a difference in my breathing, and I'm not getting those racking
coughing spells any more. I think I might be able to quit smoking altogether, very
I never thought I would see the day.

Check it out:  eCigVapor

Got questions about eCigs and Vaping?
check out the e-cigarette forum
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