Friday, March 16, 2007

VoIP Web Conference Training

I just can't say enough about the VoIP Web Conference Training

These people are Top Sucessful Marketers in their own rite-and yet they take the time to train for Free!

Classes are available many times, daily, using our VoIP WebConference Room; exactly the same as the rooms that we give away...

The Trainers take the time to walk you thru every aspect of your VoIP WebConference back office, you learn how to configure the setting of your room, making full use of the many options available; including the title, appearance, Log In page message, make your room completely individualized.

You learn how to use the included WhiteBoard, deciding who can draw and use the Pointer,HighLiter,etc.
They even show you how to use your own PowerPoint Presentation, or capture any picture and display it on your WhiteBoard...

There are so many user friendly features, this Training is invaluable to get you up and running.

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ultimate VoIP WebConference Room

This is without a doubt The Ultimate VoIP WebConference Room available on the Internet...
Veretekk has completely re-Worked our VereConference Room making this WebConference Room stand 'head and shoulders' above the rest.
The features are UnMatched-with Sychronized Browsing ability and built in WhiteBoard the possibilities 'boggle the mind'...
With Sychronized Browsing, you have the ability to "push" your web-pages in front of your client and allow them the ability to 'click' thru your sight...then take them rite into full Training...
The WhiteBoard gives you the ability to Draw, show Graphs, give a PowerPoint presentation etc. & comes complete with built in pointer, highlighter, and the ability to take of 'snap-shot' of anything you have in your computer files-
And we don't leave you 'High and Dry'-we supply Free Live training many times daily-rite OnLine
You don't have to spend a dime-you can try it out Free
That's rite, you can get a Free 3 Person VoIP WebConference Room to use as often and as long as you like--What a Deal
(You can even use this to meet with your family and friends, all you need is an InterNet Connection of any kind, you don't even need broadband, full Texting if you don't have a microphone)